Last week I got to spend the morning with Gavin in the Cat room. It is always so enlightening to see what the kids in his classroom are doing. I think I have mentioned before that Gavin is with the same group of kids as last year, so I have seen them several times over the past year. It is neat to see them mature as a group - for example, they talk about how they are feeling now, instead of just reacting. IE, Gavin told his friend, "No, I don't want any more blocks," instead of hitting/crying/knocking everything down.
They have motor time first thing in the morning. The day I was there, they rode tricycles:
Gavin in his favorite "choice time" area - the block center:
I was there on a Tuesday, which is the day Gavin works with the occupational therapist. She had him pick up these puff balls with a tweezer and put them into the plastic bin:
Our attempt at a photo of the two of us.
3 days ago