Gavin spent about a two days in the hospital, and we were able to bring him home Saturday morning. He seemed to respond well to the meds and his fever came down, although he still didn't feel very good, and the meds tend to upset his stomach. He's eating a lot, but it's been very hard seeing him in pain and being so uncomfortable.
The meds we give him twice a day irritate his stomach and he's been going through a lot of diapers. We're giving him liquid children's Tylenol and he seems to like the grape flavor! I think it's the first time he's ever tasted anything other than formula or breast milk, so it's gotta be good! Although he had better not expect us to start flavoring his formula.
A big thanks to Godfather David and Nana Cermak for spending so many hours with Gavin in the hospital on Friday (and to Aunt Sassy for driving Nana!), and to Grandma Cordes for pulling a Saturday morning shift to watch Evie while we were with Gavin.
It turns out that he didn't get the UTI from a bubble bath (although we are going to stop doing that), but from some sort of blockage between his kidney and urethra that is preventing urine from reaching the urethra, and so it is pooling elsewhere, resulting in the infection. An ultrasound performed on Gavin Friday night showed some sort of anomaly and the doctor theorized there could be a small blockage or "a kink" in his plumbing. If this all sounds very vague, it's because it is. I'm anxious to get better answers from the specialist.
The ultrasound is just a screening so we're going to have to see a pediatric urologist. We really hope it's nothing too serious (Gavin is supposed to be the healthy one!). Sharon has a lot of doctor's visits this week: taking Gavin to a follow-up on Monday, the twins' 3 month check-up on Thursday, and Evie's seeing her cardiologist again on Thursday as well.
Here's a short video of Gavin playing with his new mirror. He likes looking at his reflection and spinning the ball on the mirror.
Here's Gavin reading Charlie Brown's Christmas with Grandma Cordes:
A few shots of Gavin being silly with Mom:
We hope you feel better soon, Gavin!
7 hours ago
1 comment:
Everyday is progress! For babies...and parents! You guys are doing a great job! And some day they will be old enough to talk ...and tell you what hurts! Love, Misty
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