Monday, January 31, 2011

A Look Back

I love looking at the twins' baby pictures. Here is one from January 2008 (age 3.5 months) where they were able to fit in a bouncy seat together:

And here they last weekend, ready to go on an errand (photo courtesy of Uncle David's new iPhone 4G).

Evie and Gavin love to make each other laugh. Often, it involves silliness at bath time. This weekend, Gavin decided to take a mouthful of water and then spit it out, yelling "That was gross!" as Evie giggled and shrieked. Last week, Evie burped repeatedly while Gavin cracked up at her. Fun, fun days at the Cermak house!

Gavin is almost over his cold, but Francis and I have it. This weekend we tried to stay home - that worked for Gavin and me, and Francis and Evie just made one trip to the grocery store with Grandpa.

On the weekly grocery run, Evie always eats a piece of ham from the deli counter, and rests her elbows on packages of napkins (photo courtesy of Grandpa's cell phone). Grandpa makes sure she is comfortable!

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