So this is how I imagine the conversation went....
"So Evie, I've been thinking about this whole 'solid foods' rumor that's been going around the Pack N' Play lately."
"Oh yes, I've heard about it too, Gav. What's your take?"
"Well Evie, I think it's just that: a rumor. In fact, I think that eventually you just don't need to eat any more. I mean, you never see Mom or Dad with a bottle, do you?"
"WHAT?! Gavin', that's crazy talk! You've been starting at the mobile too much again!"
"No, no, no, Gav; here's what I heard. I heard that solid foods are real, and that they taste a whole lot better than formula! You know that medicine you take once in a while that you think tastes really good? The Purple Stuff? I heard Mommy call it 'grape,' and it's something called a 'flavor.' They have all kinds of these flavors!"
"No way! So Evie, they have lots of these 'flavors' you say?"
"Yes Gavin, there are all kinds of wonderful flavors. But there's a catch! You have to work to get these flavors! The days of sitting back and waiting for a bottle are over! You have to use something called a 'spoon' to scoop up the flavors and bring them to your mouth."
"No way! You mean that I have to work for these flavors, Evie? Isn't that illegal? It sounds so tiring! I mean, I can't even find my mouth sometimes!"
"Don't worry Gavin, I heard Mommy say that sometimes it takes all day for us to eat these 'flavors'! We can take lots of breaks. Here, why don't you take Mr. Duck here and don't fret about it."
"Yeah, thanks Evie. I love Mr. Duck... what were we talking about again? ... I'm hungry. Are you hungry? When do you think Mom's going to bringg that bottle? Because I've got a diaper change at two o'clock."
7 hours ago
This is hilarious... this had to come from you twisted mind Francis! It is too cute for words.. THEY are too cute for words.
We will be thinking about you on Feb. 21, Evie! -- Felix & Pierre
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