Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hats, Hats, Hats!

Evie had her first RSV shot yesterday. She will get one every month until March, maybe April, because she is still extra susceptible to germs. She is such a pro at getting shots - she only cried for 10 seconds! Gavin came with us and was happy when he could get out of the stroller and walk around the exam room.

The twins were in a mood to play with their hats again the other day. Evie likes her red Elmo hat - she doesn't pull it off immediately anymore. They know that their hats go on their heads, because they will set them on top of their heads, even though they aren't quite "on."

"Hey Gavin, that's my hat you're wearing! It's a little too small on you!"

"Much better!"

If all else fails, chew on something!

After they were done with their hats, they played with their high chair toys:

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