Sorry I don't have pictures to post, but Evie got to come home today!!! Her potassium level was within normal range, so after the attending doctors talked to the nephrologist, they said she was OK to go home. I have to take her for bloodwork on Tuesday, but thankfully we can do that at our local hospital. I hope that more frequent lab work and more careful monitoring by he specialists will prevent this situation from happening again.
We are so very grateful to our whole family for helping out whenever help was needed, whether it was watching Gavin or trekking down to Hope to sit with Evie and encourage her to eat. Also thank you to our dear friend Laura who helped watch Gavin and has her own three little ones at home. We are also grateful to everyone for all the prayers that were offered - without that we never could make it through any of these situations with Evie. Now that she is home, we will work on helping her get stronger, eat more, and hopefully talk more!
7 hours ago
so glad to hear the good news!
God bless,
The Goodbred's
So glad Evie is home. I have been checking your blog each day for updates. Many prayers have been sent for all of you. Barbara Schan
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