Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Back To The Bookstore

This morning we went back to our local Barnes & Noble to meet up with our twin buddies, Pierre and Felix, and their mom, Kelly. At first Evie and Gavin just wanted to play on the stage, but the train table proved to be too tempting and they soon joined the boys there.

Evie just had to stay on the stage a few minutes longer...

Evie especially liked the blue bridge. Gavin was zooming the trains on the seat of the chair, watching them fall down, and picking them up again:

I just had to take this picture: I was not sure if the two of us plus our double strollers would fit in the elevator, but we did!

When we were back at home, Evie and Gavin were in a very affectionate mood:

Best buddies!


JuliaS said...

That last picture is absolutely sweet!

Our kids love those train tables too.

Matt & Julia Schuck

Anonymous said...

It's been a long time, hello to you both! I am so happy to have found you, and to read about your babies, what a blessing they are to you and your family! Sharon, please e-mail me so we can chat more, cpavlis@gmail.com. One of my daughters had heart surgery at Hope also. And OB nurse Gina was there for us when we had another baby last year, and she remembered us from the Happening. Small world! Talk to you soon, Chrissy