The twins won't turn one year until Wednesday, but we started celebrating yesterday with a birthday party for them. They wore cute onesies that said "Twins Are Twice The Fun," and the whole family was able to attend.
First, Evie helped Uncle Brad open a belated birthday card of this own:
"Oooh, Uncle Brad, an envelope! This is great!"
Then the we put the kids in their high chairs, sang to them, and gave them their smash cakes... that's when things got interesting. They were unsure of what to make of the cakes, so I broke off a pea-size bit of frosting and put it in Evie's mouth. She immediately threw up the entire yogurt lunch she had eaten 2 hours ago!
Gavin eyed his cake warily - I think he wanted "real food!"
Since Gavin wasn't sure what to do, Francis decided to show him. Gavin still wasn't interested. The kids barely touched their cakes and weren't too keen on staying in their high chairs.
We had to change Evie into a new outfit - here she is with Grandma Cordes:
Time to open presents! Grandpa Cermak helps Gavin open a framed picture of himself in the tub:
Evie holds her own framed bath picture and watches Gavin open his:
Nice warm jackets....
...just in time for colder weather!
Oooh - a new activity table!
The twins decide it's even more fun when it's out of the box:
Evie plays with both tables at the same time:
Then she moved on to Grandpa Vic's shoe:
One year! We made it!
Gavin was fascinated with Nana Cermak's slippers:
Auntie Di & Evie:
Nana Cermak & Evie:
Grandpa Vic & Evie:
After all the excitement, the kids got baths and went to bed at their regular time. The rest of us had pizza and beer and were happy that the White Sox won their playoff game!
7 hours ago
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