Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fun With Auntie Clare

These pictures are actually from the previous weekend, when Auntie Clare was in town. Gavin was playing with the kids-clothes-hamper ("hampie," as he calls it) after his bath. It had been a long day of visiting the grocery store and a pumpkin patch, and everyone was acting a little silly. Next thing you know, Gavin was getting in the hamper with Auntie Clare's encouragement:

He looks quite proud of himself!

This trampoline was Auntie Clare's birthday gift to the kids. Francis set it up while they were sleeping, and the next morning they were very excited to try it out:

Evie still can't jump - she tries so hard, but can only get up on her tip-toes. Her feet don't actually leave the ground. But she really enjoyed bouncing on the trampoline:

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