Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother's Day

I'll be blunt: Mother's Day felt really weird and very sad. That's how I would describe it. All day, something (someone.. Evie, our sweet little girl) was missing!

We went to brunch at our favorite restaurant, which was really weird without Evie. Gavin had a great time, however, making coffee for Nana and Daddy and putting salt and pepper on everything. When we got back home, he wanted to sweep all the tree blossoms off of our driveway:

Then it was time for a bean bag tossing game:

Gavin took me out for a "drive." He loves Grandpa's car:

Then it was time to try T-ball with Grandpa:

Then Gavin helped water everything (driveway, rocks, grass, etc.):

Gavin is such a happy, fun-loving kid that it is hard to stay sad around him. He truly is a blessing in our lives. We had a fun week in the warm weather: library, Riverwalk, playdates, and Kids Town. He has enjoyed being back at school and playing with his friends. He still asks where his sister is, and we just answer as simply and honestly as we can.

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