Sunday, July 24, 2011


I felt that Gavin was ready for soccer, so I signed him up for a class on Friday mornings. It's through Just for Kicks in Plainfield. They have indoor and outdoor soccer fields, and soccer is all they do. They actually have classes for kids as young as 18 months! I really can't imagine what that would be like, because the 2.5 year olds have their class at the same time as Gavin's and they need a LOT of help.

Anyway, Gavin really loves his class and his uniform. He wants to wear it all day on class days. And I have to admit, I think he looks really cute and grown up in it. :)

Below are some pictures from Friday's class. It was indoors that day - you may remember we had a deluge of rain that morning! Gavin has number 7 on his back (although so do two of the other boys. I think the number are just for show.)

A lot of the shots are a little blurry, partly because of the lighting and partly because the kids were in constant motion:

The kids take lots of water breaks:

Playing "Sharks and Minnows." Gavin was a shark along with the coach:

The coaches have a lot of creative games for the kids. Below, they had to kick balls into two small nets, and then into the big net. But the coach called it "Hungry Hippos," and told the kids they were going to feed the baby hippos and then the mommy hippo.

Gavin has a great time, and Francis and I are happy with what we have seen so far. There are no games at this level, just classes that teach skills in a fun way. We'll see if we can get some outside pictures soon!

1 comment:

Michelle Krz said...

So cute!!! I am considering sending my boys there this fall! :)