Monday, May 27, 2013

Visiting Nana at Work

We had the chance to see Nana at work two times last week!  The first day, she had gotten an award for 15 years of service at Benedictine University.  She was all dressed up and happy to have Gavin come over!

Gavin loved drawing on the dry-erase board.  He was fascinated with the magnetic eraser.  This is a picture of Daddy:

This is him drawing himself:

Making copies with Nana:

Gavin LOVED Nana's desk phone.  I think he liked it so much because it has a cord.  None of our home phones have cords!  He also liked the shoulder rest attached to it:

Gavin decided to sign for a couple language classes while we were there:

This last video is something he learned from the movie Ratatouille - not from Francis!

Gavin went back the next day with Francis.  He helped change the clock in the testing room to one that is silent.  The other one makes a ticking noise.

You can see his eye is a little red from allergies  The trees that have flowers in the spring are almost done with their flowers, thank goodness.  Once they're all gone, Gavin can be outside again!

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