Friday, June 14, 2013

Evie's Garden

Last spring, the teachers at the preschool came up with the idea to plant a garden right outside the Bluebird room, which was Evie's classroom.  Her teacher, Mrs. Richardson, got a little bird bath and a stone with Evie's name on it.

This year, the Cat class planted new flowers in Evie's garden.  Each child got to put in two flowers.  The kids were SO excited!  

Here is the angel with the bird that Gavin painted blue:

Not only was Gavin's teacher involved, but so were the principal, Evie's physical therapist, and her (and Gavin's) speech therapist:

I got right in and dug around with the kids.  I loved it!

Mrs. Kelleher, the speech therapist. next to Grandpa Cermak's "Evie banner" that he brings to his softball games:

One of the kids' FAVORITE parts of the morning was finding worms and rolly-pollys from the dug-up dirt.  Here they are peering at one.  Simply fascinating!

The Cat class.  Mrs Seppa is their awesome teacher!

Gavin with his friends Gia and Erica, and Mrs. Seppa:

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