Monday, September 9, 2013

Niabi Zoo

I have more vacation will take me a while to post them all.  So here's the next installment.

Near the Quad Cities is a neat little zoo called the Niabi Zoo.  I have to admit, I was not expecting much from a zoo "in the middle of nowhere.":  But I stand corrected.  They had jaguars, lions, zebras, giraffes, a petting zoo, and an elephant (which Brookfield Zoo no longer has), and more!

This first picture is Gavin, Annie, and Sam in the "secret room," off the hotel lobby.  It was only big enough for two couches and a coffee table in between, and glass doors that the kids could shut.  They thought it was so neat to hang out in there and watch Gavin's iPad with the door shut.

This was the coolest part.  You could FEED the giraffes two pieces of lettuce!!!  You can't do that at Brookfield Zoo!  At feeding time we all lined up at the "Giraffe Terrace" and took our turns:

Gavin also loved the aviary, since he loves blue macaws (thanks to "Rio") and scarlet macaws (thanks to a "Diego" episode).  This zoo had six or seven of them, all different colors.  We spent quite a while in their building!

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