Friday, February 27, 2015

STEM night

Last week, Gavin's school had their annual STEM night. It was super cold (about minus 4) and that kept a lot of families away. While it was nice to not have to wait in line to see exhibits, it is also nice to see the school have a good turn out.

Gavin and a lot of friends loved riding this hovercraft down the hallway. High school students from Matea Valley (where all the Brookdale kids will go) assisted. It was loud but fun!

Gavin loved the "Mad Science" room, especially the dry ice and the static electricity:

The kids put their hands on this ball, and their hair would stand up. I included the whole sequence of photos so you can see Gavin's hair getting wilder. (I also think the expression on the face of the girl beside him are priceless).

Next we got to see (and experiment) with how DNA is extracted from fruit. We used strawberries.


Gavin loved that he got to keep the results in this "beaker." He calls it "his first science experiment that he got to keep." :)

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