Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today our twin friends Emma and Caroline came over with their mom, Gretchen. The girls are two months younger than Evie and Gavin, and I met Gretchen two years ago when we were both pregnant and enrolled in the "Marvelous Multiples" class at our hospital. Emma and Caroline were super sweet and did a nice job of putting up with Gavin, who had a little trouble sharing his toys.

At first, Gavin wanted to hide from all the girls!

Then he warmed up to Emma and showed her his new Thomas the Train book:

Emma tickled Evie's arm and she was totally fine with it! Usually Evie gets upset when other kids get in her "personal space," but she thought Emma was pretty neat and gave her a pat on the head.

Gavin showed Caroline how to turn on the vacuum cleaner:

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