Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gavin and His Broom

Remember how much Gavin enjoyed the broom he found at the pumpkin patch? Well, the other day we went to Target to get him his own broom. I found one with a short handle, and he pushed it up and down the cleaning aisle several times and was very happy with it. Here he is doing a little sweeping just before bedtime:

Francis thinks Gavin is holding the broom like a sword:

He even wanted to bring it upstairs to his bedroom! We have a rule that all toys stay right outside the bedroom door while he sleeps, so he set the broom down by the door frame and was happy as a clam!

1 comment:

TempusFam said...

So fun - Frankie loves to help me sweep too! Let's hope these boys keep up their love of CLEANING! :)