Thursday, January 21, 2010


Last week we visited Auntie Di and our cat cousins. Here is Evie, patiently waiting while I got Gavin's coat on. I think she looks really grown up in this picture, like she's ready to go to kindergarten (if she was a foot taller).

"OK, Mom, I'm ready to go!"

As soon as we got there, Evie wanted to snack on some cheddar bunnies:

Gavin had a great time opening and closing this box, with Fergie in it. I don't think Fergie enjoyed it quite as much as he did:

Evie flipped through a cat book, unaware that Fergie was stalking her cheddar bunnies:

Gavin tried and tried to get the cats to chase their red ball, but half the time they weren't falling for it. So he crawled under the table to convince them, but they only looked at him like, "What are you doing under here? This is our spot!"

Fern reclaimed her favorite patch of the floor:

Evie petted Fern very gently:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, what cute pictures! The girls are a little scared of Gavin because he's loud and he chases them, but they like Evie! And you're right, Fergie WAS eyeing Evie's cheddar bunnies!

~Auntie Di