Monday, March 8, 2010

Still A Little Sick

We are still a little bit sick over here at the Cermak house. Evie was over her cold, then it started up again mid-week. Gavin has finally gotten over his cough, but Francis and I have it. Needless to say, we didn't do a whole lot last week.

Gavin sat with me on the couch early one morning. Yes, he loves to wear his coat at home, too. (He eventually gets hot and takes it off.) We weren't even going anywhere that day!

Grandma Cordes came over to help, and Evie snuggled up to her for a story:

We did manage to get outside for some fresh air as the weather warmed up at the end of the week. We even had a spontaneous trip to the Riverwalk! It was so spontaneous that I didn't have my camera. We looked at ducks, looked at all the snow in the fountains (the kids found that fascinating), and Gavin ran all around the amphitheater with two little girls we befriended. I hope to get outside even more this week!

1 comment:

TempusFam said...

Hope you guys are feeling better and that the warm weather helps! And PS: I think it's so funny and cute that Gavin wears his coat everywhere - even at home! Guess it could be worse and he could refuse to wear it!!???!! :) Take care!!