Monday, June 20, 2011

Brookfield Zoo

Last week was a VERY busy week - you will be seeing a lot of blogging from me coming up! On Tuesday, we met my friend Carol and her younger son Johnathon at Brookfield Zoo. We started out at Gavin's favorite place, the Hammill Family Play zoo.

They have a pretend vet clinic, where Gavin answered the phone:

Then he took care of a sick alligator:

We got the boys to stand still for 5 seconds to try to guess how tall they are:

We checked out the dolphins. One of them came RIGHT up close to the glass and touched his face to Gavin's. It was very exciting (too bad it happened so fast I didn't get a picture).

After a lunch break, we went to the playground and then the Swamp exhibit. The boys really wanted to see the alligators and otters. (Although when we actually got to the otter pond, they were no longer interested...oh well!)

The Swamp exhibit has a lot of interactive information about wetlands and conservation. I don't know exactly what this sign said but it was interesting to flip over!

This boat has a TV in front with a video that makes it looks like you are actually out in the middle of a swamp:

After a few hours, we were worn out. We had a great time (and we still have a lot of animals to see)!

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