Monday, January 16, 2012


Gavin received quite a few toy cars for Christmas (no big surprise there). He loves to arrange them, or as he calls it, "make a pattern." It's cute, but we're working on reminding him that his "patterns" can't stay in the middle of the floor, or lined across the couch all day long.

A pattern on the kitchen table. This one even includes the spy jet from "Cars 2:"

While he is arranging his toys, he narrates who is driving and where they are going. For example, "Auntie Di is driving this purple car and she is going to get lunch for all of us" and then the car goes to the pretend restaurant. And the restaurant might be my slipper. It's pretty cute!

Below is a new racetrack from "Cars 2." Gavin loves to make his cars crash on it just like the scenes in the movie. He adds his own crash situations, as well.

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