Tuesday, December 17, 2013

DuPage Children's Museum

Last week, Gavin's class had a field trip to the DuPage Children's Museum. I was one of the parent chaperones.

To be honest, I was expecting utter chaos, and not from "our" Brookdale students. It's just that we have only been to DCM twice and both times it was crowded and Gavin got sick a week later. But he had a great time while we were there.  I figured as long as his entire class was going, he may as well go, too, since he'll be exposed to all their germs anyway. 

I was 100% impressed!!! The kids were well behaved and the place was practically empty except for our group. I had a small group of five kids (Gavin included) and they were wonderful!!

We started out in a classroom doing math games. Gavin particularly linked these "math lines" where kids have to identify a pattern and sequence the numbers.

Then we got to explore the museum. We did the bubbles and water area first, in case the kids got wet.

They wore smocks but all got a little wet. It worked out great that after the water, we went to the "wind" area and then some other things. So when it was time to leave, they were all completely dry.

Gavin earned a free admission ticket for all the reading we've been doing, and we have to use it by December 30. Anyone want to meet up with us?

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