Monday, December 9, 2013

Sweatshirt Painting!

It's a holiday tradition at Gavin's school that the kindergartners paint snowman sweatshirts every December. Parents were informed that it is a messy project and lots of volunteers were needed.

I'm always on board for painting, and it wasn't my house getting messy, so I signed up. ;) Gavin loves it when I'm at school and I'm happy to help out.

They started out using sponges to fill in the snowman shape:

Gavin's friend Claire has the same sweatshirt he does!

Gavin and his friend Tristan with the finished products. They used Q-tips for the colored paint to add the details:

It was really fun! The kids weren't too messy, and the sweatshirts turned out really cute. They had to dry in the art room over the weekend, but I will have pics later in the month.

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