Thursday, December 20, 2007

Smiles make it all better

It's Sharon again! Today I took Gavin to see a pediatric urologist. This is the specialist who will help figure out why Gavin had a UTI 2 weeks ago. Gavin is back to his normal sunny personality. He is still on antibiotics, so he still has the interesting diapers (including a major blow-out for me yesterday, which resulted in him needing an immediate bath. Uncle David was here to see, hear, and smell it!)

The first step for Gavin is a test called a VCUG. This will show if he has vesicoureteral reflux, which is when urine from the bladder goes backward up the tubes to the kidneys. This will happen in mid-January. Until then he will stay on antibiotics to prevent more UTI's.

On another note, the kids have been smiling more consistently. Gavin started smiling 4 weeks ago, and Evie about 2 weeks ago, but it took awhile for me to capture it on camera. Whenever I pull out the camera they suddenly get a very studious look on their faces. Below are some pictures I was able to get.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The two cutest babies in the world!!! They make my heart melt whenever I see them. What a wonderful Christmas this is, they will be the two most precious items under the tree. Love from Uncle David, Uncle Brad, and cousins Phantom and Phoebe Jean (the cats!)