Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Saturday, Part 2

On Saturday afternoon, we went to our cousin Berni's annual summer bash. As soon as Evie saw that Uncle David had his iPhone, she practically lunged for him.

Gavin brought both of his lawnmowers to Berni's house. That turned out to be a smart move, because he and his cousin Robbie had a blast racing around the house.

Throw in some crashes, and you have two little boys having the time of their lives.

"No, we didn't crash into any of the furniture - just each other..."

Evie and Grandma Cordes:

Evie hung out with the guys- Uncle Brad, Uncle Kevin, and Daddy:

Gavin had encountered puddle of muddy water near Berni's house, so since only his feet were dirty and we had gotten home late, I just washed his feet in the sink:

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