Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Haircut & Gymnastics

Last week I took Gavin for a haircut, and our hairdresser cut it shorter than usual. She used the clipper/buzzer thing, which Gavin wasn't sure about and then when she was almost done, he decided he didn't like it. We'll ask her to use the scissors next time.

I think he still looks super cute, but he did lose his curls. I think I'll let it grow out a bit before the next haircut!

The next day, Gavin relaxed with Nana in the fold-up chairs - Francis found one for Gavin that has Lightning McQueen on it!

After Evie ate her chicken nuggets, she flipped through my magazines:

Evie did really well at gymnastics on Saturday. I got her to separate from me (during class) for the first time EVER. She & I sat on the trampoline and bounced, sitting side by side, without me holding her! And then I got her to stand up, hold both my hands, and bounce with me. Not jumping, just bouncing, but still that was a huge step for her. I also convinced her to stand on the balance beam while I held onto her - another first! She is definitely feeling better! Gavin, as usual, tore around the obstacle course and the bouncy house like a cyclone. Francis was worn out from running after him!

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