Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bathtime Fun

Evie has not enjoyed her bath lately, so I just have photos of Gavin the tub. Yes, he is still sitting in a baby tub. He and Evie LOVE it and don't want to have a bath in the "big tub" yet. I have learned that with toddlers, there are some battles that are not worth fighting. This is one of them! The kids can stay in the baby tub until they physically don't fit anymore - it's fine with me.

Here is Gavin spitting...this totally cracked Evie up before she got sick. She wasn't laughing this time because she was just too worn out. She is feeling a lot better though, and was able to go back to school.

At the end of the video, Gavin is asking me to "try the blue camera." I am trying to decide which camera I want to use and I am testing out two of them at the moment. Every time I take a picture or video, Gavin makes sure I take the same picture or video with both cameras. This way I will have lots of files to compare!

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