Monday, February 14, 2011

Church Playgroup

Our church has started a weekly playgroup and we LOVE it! It's in the late afternoon, so we can go even if Gavin takes a nap. It's free and you don't have to be a member of our church to attend. Gavin has had so much fun here! Everyone has at least a little bit of cabin fever at this point in the winter, and it is great for the kids to be able to run around.

Gavin makes a new friend each time we go. We brought his scooter - many of the kids bring scooters or small riding toys. He scooted around for a solid hour with his new friend here:

He was so tired and happy when we went home! I took a video of the two of them, below:

(All you Happeners out there - you may recognize St. Thomas' carpeted gym!)

Evie just wanted to sit and watch the other kids and eat her snack. There was a lot to watch! She especially likes it when a mom brings in a small baby - one that is smaller than her. She thinks babies are quite entertaining!

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