Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Morning in the Cat Room

Last week I got another turn to volunteer in Gavin's classroom (the Cat room). After we put our things away and washed our hands, I sat with Gavin at a table. The kids were drawing on little dry-erase boards, wiping them off with tissues, then drawing again. They were supposed to be drawing, not scribbling...let's just say there many kinds of artwork at our table!

After that we had circle time. Then we got to do something neat - the class has been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar, so the kids got to use something called a Smart Board. It was like a big iPad or iTouch, it was hooked up to a computer with the program on it, and the kids walked up to it and touched it to recognize vegetables and drag them around on the board. I didn't get a photo of it, but it's great to see all the learning tools available to Evie and Gavin!

Here is Gavin playing in the house center:

This is the Block Center:

This little white horse is one of his favorite toys:

We had just gotten outside for motor time on one of the playgrounds, when Evie's class came along to run around on the playground next to Gavin's. Both of their classes have motor time at the same time, so they end up seeing each other at some point. Here is Evie with her nurse (Evie usually stays in her wagon):

My favorite boy:

The picture below was taken by Evie's nurse that same day. Evie's class is doing a unit on nursery rhymes, and they were acting out the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Evie got to play the spider that day and she loved making it crawl up the water spout! Someone else got to be the rain, and squirt the spider with a squirt bottle - I haven't seen this in person but it sounds really cute. Maybe on my next volunteer day Evie's room!

We all had a great day. I even got a sticker because I brought fruit for my snack. Gavin's class is doing a unit on fruits and vegetables, and the day after I was there they made smoothies. All the kids drank theirs, but Gavin just wanted to taste his. Hey, I'll take that!

Gavin also annouced one morning before school that he was going to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to me and Evie. We all sat on the couch and as he turned the pages, he described exactly what was happening. I think that must be one of the cutest things he has ever done!

1 comment:

daharrin said...

Nice T-shirt, Gavin!!