Monday, October 10, 2011

My Morning in the Cat Room

For Gavin's birthday, I got to volunteer in his classroom. It was my first time volunteering this year and we were both excited about it! All last year at pick-up time, I would see kids walking out of the building with a parent, carrying a paper crown. I realized that parents can visit on their child's birthday - but since the twins started right after their birthday last year, I missed it. (I did get to volunteer in their classrooms, just not on their birthday.)

Gavin's class started out on the playground - the school has four of them:

When we came inside, we had circle time. Gavin got to be the "calendar helper," which meant he got to say the month and date, and stick today's date on the calendar:

Then it was snack time:

Gavin got to make his purple birthday crown next, complete with car stickers:

My favorite boy:

Then he played in the block center, one of his favorites:

Next he chose the science center. This area has magnets, scales, telescopes/binoculars, and a magnifying glass:

Magnetic marbles, below. Luckily the kids are good at cleaning them up, because they rolled everywhere!

I was impressed with all the things that the kids are doing and how well they follow directions. I had seen most of these kids several times last year, since Gavin is in the same classroom (the school usually keeps the kids together for two years). I can see the difference that a year makes! I am looking forward to my next chance to visit the Cat room!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! i can't believe he is 4 already! Growing so fast, also loved the posts at the pumpkin farm too! I'm glad you got to celebrate the day like that! I was thinking about you while I was at work over the weekend, a bittersweet day for sure! Even thought I didn't know your little one that well, I still think of Evie every day, as I have her memorial card on my fridge. I'm sure Jesus gave her a special bday hug, and if I know my Grandpa (who was known for baking all kinds of goodies!) he was probably made her something special to enjoy! He just loved kids!
Much love to you guys,
Gina G.