Friday, April 4, 2008

Evie Rolls Over!

It's Sharon...Yesterday Evie rolled over not once, but 3 times! She actually rolled over for the first time on the day before her surgery, but she has not done it since. Being in the hospital for 2 weeks really set her back physically. When she came home, we started tummy time again, but it seemed like we were starting almost from scratch. The first few times I put her on her tummy, she would just lay there and cry. Here's a video of her rolling over:

Here is a sequence of photos from tummy time earlier in the week. She was really working at it!

She also ate one tablespoon of rice cereal yesterday. Again, before the surgery I was giving her a tiny bit when I fed Gavin. But we had to start over with cereal too - I think she forgot what to do with it!

Evie has also found her voice - she has learned to yell! Here's a short clip:

Her other new trick is pulling her socks off:

Gavin was so excited about all the new things his sister is doing that he wanted to call all his friends! First he tried his toy cell phone, but quickly moved on to Daddy's:

The only "bad " news is that Evie has lost weight - 5 ounces since removing the tube 2 days ago. However, the home nurse wants to let her keep trying to eat by mouth over the weekend, and she'll come back Monday to see how Evie is doing. Keep chugging your bottles, little Evelyn!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy about all the recent posts to your blog! Yay! I'm enjoying all the updates! Evie looks so good without that NG, I hope she keeps eating really well for you! The kids are just growing like weeds!
Love you guys,
Gina G. (and logan, who also likes to listen to your video clips with me! He wanted you to know he typed his name himself too)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Evie! Gymnastics will be next. My cat, Inky, jumped up on the desk when he heard the crying from the sock clip.
Bless you all.
Judy E.

Anonymous said...

They are doing so wonderful! I LOVE the blogs! Landon and I are still home on maternity leave and he enjoys them too! Evie is such a trooper and she is doing great! Love ya, Misty