Saturday, April 19, 2008

Video Day

It's Sharon... sometimes the videos don't load properly whern I am updating the blog (due to problems in the blogger program). On Saturday though, videos were loading with no problems so I took advantage of it! Here are several that I have been trying to post:

Evie has been kicking a lot - I think she looks like she is practicing to do a Irish jig here:

Gavin has been making all kinds of sounds in his jumper. The next two videos will give you an idea of what my days sound like!

Here's another one of Evie kicking her Tiny Love mobile:

Evie is determined to get her two cents in, as long as Gavin is happy to listen!

Here, Evie is very interested in the fox toy that Gavin has...

"Hmm, I think I want that fox, Gavin."

"What do you mean, it's yours?"

Evie: "Give me that fox, little brother!"
Gavin: "Did you know Mommy is watching, Evie?"

"Ok, I changed my mind. Here, you keep it."

And here's the video to go with it the pictures!

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