Monday, July 28, 2008

In which both kids are fussy for no apparent reason.

This weekend the kids were both fussy for no apparent reason - I guess that's just part of being 9 months old! Gavin has another tooth that is very close to popping through, so I think that was bugging him.

Evie starting sitting up and rolling onto her tummy in her crib (at night only). Francis thinks she is practicing until she is ready to do it in front of us (becuase most of the day she just sits on her playmat). When I do tummy time with her now, she sits up right away. She is so close to crawling!

Evie can usually reach her nose with that tongue of hers:

The kids both love my cell phone, and whenever I use it they try to grab it. I know some of you are probably saying, "how old is that phone?" I got it in the fall of 2003, but I don't have to have the latest gadgets and it still works!

This weekend we stocked up on baby food - this shelf is full all the way back to the wall. Both kids are eating more now! The checkout guy at the grocery store asked Francis how long all this baby food was going to last? When Francis told him it was for twins, the clerk nodded his head sagely.

Gavin loves being mobile, but he also still loves his jumper:

When the kids are in their pack-n-play, I try to get them to touch hands and give kisses with me through the mesh sides. Here they are doing this on their own:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They really are just too cute for words!