Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fun with the Family

The twins were happy to see Nana & Grandpa Cermak and Aunt Sassy this weekend. They read Care Bear books, went for a stroller ride, and the twins babbled a lot!

Nana & Gavin:

Evie & Grandpa:

Gavin & Grandpa play with rocks (Francis' first great love):

Nana & Evie play "This Little Piggy"

Here's a video of the kids are playing earlier in the morning. This is like a little snapshot of what they do all day: giggle at each other and play with the same toys, and Gavin just has to sit right next to Evie, if not in her lap:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My gosh they are just growing and growing! It is so fun to see what they are learning....I know Landon will be doing that stuff in a few months! :-) Misty