Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Baby Schadenfreude

The twins had a busy Labor Day weekend... more on that in a future post! Right now we are still catching up with last week's silliness, including these photos below. The kids had just eaten lunch and were very playful.

Still one of Evie's favorite things - touching her nose with her tongue!

"It was her idea, Mom!" said Gavin
"Who, me?" said Evie

"Evie, let's go over our ABC's again!"

"I love peach yogurt!" (Evie really loves her yogurt. and didn't mean to throw it all up when Auntie Di and Uncle Kevin were here on Saturday!)

Evie discovered the squeaker in the activity mat, and can't stop kicking it!

More playing in the hallway led to infant schadenfreude. Gavin stumbles a bit and falls onto his belly/face, which Evie thinks is hilarious. After a brief pouty face, Gavin says, "oh yeah?!", then he tries to charge past her, but she cuts him off! to a round of giggles.

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