Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Little Rock Stars

Gavin is down to one nap a day. I didn't expect this to happen for a few more months, but I have learned that a certain percentage of babies take just one nap at 11 months. Evie still takes 2 naps...lucky for me, her second nap overlaps with his nap, so I can at least manage to eat lunch and have a little bit of time to do something while they sleep!

Last weekend we spent some time ouside in the front yard with the kids. Gavin crawled all around on the sidewalk and our driveway, which I thought would hurt his baby-soft knees, but he was fine! What they loved most was playing with the rocks in the landscaping.

"See Evie, you can bang the rocks together like this."

"I'd rather try to eat mine, Gavin."

Happy Gavin...

Happy Evie... at age 11 months, when the twins are happy, so are Mom & Dad!

Monkey see, monkey do.

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