Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Steadier Every Day

Both Evie & Gavin have gotten more confident and steady on their feet. Evie is pulling herself up on everything, especially the musical table. She even pushed it part way down the hallway! (Taking a page out of Gavin's book!)

Here she goes!

She also holds onto furniture and walks along - here she is at he pack-n-play:

Gavin is steady enough on his feet that I don't always have to hold onto the chairs that he pushes around the house:

Don't worry, folks - despite how the video ends, Gavin did not run over his sister. I scooped her up just in time!

Gavin has learned how to manuever the chair in whatever direction he wants to go:

All this mobility is starting to make for a lot of bumps & bruises, but so far nothing that can't be fixed with a hug & a kiss!

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