Friday, January 9, 2009

Spitting, Shrieking, and Doctors, Oh My!

I took the above picture yesterday morning, before going to the pediatrician's office. Evie had just walked over to Gavin, unprompted by me, and hugged him. Ahhh, so cute!!! I LOVE having twins!!!

We were at the doctor's office for a lot longer than I expected, and the kids were getting hungry and tired. Grandma Cordes was there to help me, thank goodness, because the twins were resteless. The office had a nurse out sick, and then there was some confusion over one of Evie's shots, so we left at 11 am and that is when they usually take naps! The good news is that we got home, fed them and got them asleep by noon. Whew!

You can see their updated info in the "Twins in a Nutshell" on the left of your screen. Gavin remains steady in the 95th percentile for height and the 50th for weight. Evie is still not on the chart for weight, but has moved up from the 5th to the 10th percentile for height! For those of you wondering about their head size, Gavin is in the 75th percentile and Evie is in the 5th.

Here are a few videos from the week. Gavin is enjoying the sound of his own voice shrieking:

Evie is enjoying spitting:

And the twins' new game for this week involves throwing three plastic balls onto the floor and then chasing them and throwing them again:

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