Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother's Day

I know I am a week late with this post, but last week was not very productive with Gavin being sick. He is doing better, by the way - no more fever and he is running around, He just has a lingering cough but is not contagious.

Anyway, I always read to the kids in the morning and before and after naps. (Their newest favorite book is Fancy Nancy.) Fran was there to capture it:

Then we went to Grandpa and Grandma Cordes' house for a cookout. Gavin was fascinated with the sliding door:

Auntie Di and Uncle Kevin:

Evie with Grandpa and Uncle David:

Evie likes Uncle David's cold Smirnoff Ice drink:

Diana and I with our dear mother:

Uncle David helps Evie "fly" to Uncle Brad:

Flying Evie, in action:

Here is Evie trying to avoid getting her picture taken:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwww....I think that Evie reminds me so much of you, Sharon! Just her quiet, sweet demeanor!
Gina G