Sunday, March 13, 2011

Evie Rides A Bike

I had heard about this bike that Evie rides at school. It's a tricycle with a long handle on the back, for an adult to use to help push. Well, imagine my utter surprise when Evie came out at the end of the day last week, not in her wagon, but on this tricycle! She was so proud of herself, and so happy to show me what she could do. I'm pretty sure I jumped up and down in the parking lot - who knows what all the other parents sitting in their cars must have thought, but who cares? Evie rode a tricycle!!!

Evie's nurse is pushing her along. Another reason this is so incredible is that at then end of the morning, Evie is usually drained of energy. She loves school, but after 2.5 hours she just has nothing left. Ususally!

Her feet are taped to the pedals with special purple duct tape:

This was on Monday. When I talked about it with her early Tuesday morning, she signed "more bike" for me, and Tuesday when I picked them up from school she was on the bike again! Woo-hoo!

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