Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Enchanted Railroad

On Saturday we went to Morton Arboretum with Nana & Grandpa Cermak. The Arboretum has a model train exhibit right now, called the Enchanted Railroad. We figured the kids would like it, since they liked the Lego train show last weekend.

Before we left, Gavin showed Grandpa his new train book:

The Railroad was amazing and beautifully set up. The model trains were HUGE and several of them made authentic train sounds and horns. There was so much detail in it that we all could have watched it for an hour! Gavin was enthralled. He waved to the trains as they chugged around the tracks. "Hi blue train! Hi silver train!"

Evie had a good vantage point from Francis' shoulders:

The whole set-up:

Gavin pointed out a train that was up high, chugging around a tree:

Nana and Gavin:

Gavin instigated a jumping contest and made a new friend at the same time:

We loved this show so much that we are definitely going back. It runs through January 2 and we are members at the Arboretum, so I plan to take the kids there during their winter break. Stay tuned for more train adventures!

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