Sunday, December 5, 2010

O, Christmas Tree!

This year, for the first time since the twins were born, we set up a Christmas tree. For the last two years, we set up a Charlie Brown tree that just sat on a table top...but this year Francis convinced me that one of the "skinny" style trees really would fit in our living room. Then he got Gavin to say that he wanted a Christmas tree, so then I was done for.

It's still a small tree, but the kids love it. Gavin helped Francis set it up:

Putting the base on:

When I was little I loved to look at the tree with the room lights beautiful! Gavin and Evie liked it, too.

Gavin has been saying," I love this tree," and hugging it:

He also loves to "check the lights" to make sure they are all working, and name the colors while he's at it:

We plan to dig out some unbreakable ornaments for the kids to hang on the tree. We're taking it step by step, and so far so good!

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