Friday, May 23, 2008

Twins' First Road Trip

Last Saturday, our longtime friend, Caresse, earned her PhD from Northern Illinois University and had a party to celebrate. Awesome job, Caresse - we are very proud of you!!! We loaded the twins into the car and headed to Dekalb to join in the fun.

Neither of the twins slept in the car. Luckily, Gavin had taken a 2 hour nap at home, so he was in a good mood. Evie was fussy though and had to take a nap while we were there, which she wasn't happy about. We stayed as long as they were both good, and then we had to head home to feed them and put them down to bed.

It was great to see so many of our friends and their own children, as it's been several months since we've been social. You forget how much fun it is to see everyone and how much their kids have grown. Baby Evie also has a special hello to her friend, Katie Leslie, whom she finally got to meet (very briefly!) for the first time.

Caresse with her daughter, Amelia - cute as a button and looks just like her Mom!

Uncle Mark with Evie... she didn't cry when he held her (like Gavin did!) It turned that Gavin just needed to be held so that he was facing away from Mark for awhile, and then he was fine!

Uncle Mark holding Gavin - all smiles now! Caresse's husband, Christian, is in the background.

We also got meet our friend Beth's new baby, Frankie (age 7 weeks)! He was adorable!

"So many people holding me! Can I go back to sleep now, Mom?"

Francis holding Frankie

Gavin was very interested in Beth's cold bottle of beer! Don't get any ideas, young man!

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