Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Road to Recovery

Hi everyone, it's Francis blogging as Sharon is a bit under the weather. Gavin was feeling much better on Tuesday, the day after his procedure, although he still has a little pain now and then. He did wake up the following night and was very unhappy, but that is apparently common for children following anesthesia. Overall though, he was in a much better mood.

Thank you to everyone who sent in thoughts and prayers!

On Tuesday, Sharon woke up with laryngitis, of all things, but no other real "cold" symptoms. Luckily, Uncle David was able to stop by in the afternoon and help out.

Just chillin' while Mom feeds Gavin. Could he look more relaxed? Next he'll be expecting grapes and a fan made from palm fronds.

Evie seems to almost be over her cold. She's starting to cough up phlegm, which is a good sign (I caught two batches in my hands before I left for work on Tuesday morning: good times!). Needless to say, she is spending most of her play time on the hardwood floor, rather than the rug.

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