Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Fun

The twins were very excited to experience Halloween this year because they can do so much more than they could one year ago! (Ahh, one year ago, I hoped they would stop fussing long enough for me to get an hour's sleep.... they weren't even a month old!)

We didn't go out trick-or treating, but Nana & Grandpa Cermak came over to help out with the kiddos that came to our house. The twins wore Halloween T-shirts and had a great time, even though Gavin did not sleep at all that day. I guess he was just too excited!

A typical way to start the day - with Starbucks cups!

Lil' Pumpkin:

Gavin & Nana read a story:

Evie has a mellow moment with Grandpa:

Gavin thinks about ordering a pizza before the trick-or-treaters arrive:

I think the kids' favorite part of the day was when they played in the rocks:

Evie was so excited for Halloween that she couldn't stop bouncing!

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