Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday Cuteness

Yesterday morning Gavin was up at 4:20AM. I am so anxious for him to get back on schedule! He has been going to bed at the regular time for 3 days now. So has Evie, and as I said before, she is almost back to her schedule.

Here's Evie peeking around Daddy's legs. She is wearing some leg warmers over her leggings...her oufit turned out looking like a strange bodysuit, but she's still cute!

Here's another look at the leg warmers. Francis says she looks like she is saying, "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?"

BIG smiles!

"Mmmm, Mommy's cooking smells so yummy!"

Gavin discovered yet another way to play with this walk-n-ride toy - balanced on the handle and one set of wheels!

Evie peeks around the corner and eyes the bookcase:

In their pajamas and almost ready for bed!

Here's Gavin walking across the family room and then playing with Evie:

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