Monday, November 24, 2008

Fun With Nana & Grandpa

On Saturday, we did another photo shoot with our photographer friend Dusty. (More on that in a future post!) Then Nana and Grandpa Cermak came over for a visit. Gavin completely refused to take his nap and tried to cover up by being sweet and cute. Here he is telling Grandpa a secret:

Then he actually sat still and listened as Nana read him a story (lately the twins prefer to sit on their books):

Evie took a nice, long nap and woke up in a great mood. Here she is wearing a College of DuPage sweatshirt that Nana bought about 10 years ago! With that and her baseball cap, she looks ready to head off to school! (sniff, sniff - Sharon)

Evie loves having a helping set of hands to walk her around our house. Grandpa was happy to oblige:

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