Friday, June 5, 2009

Back To The Riverwalk

OK, I know this is our second post about the Riverwalk in one week, but we just had to go back! There is so much to see! Last week I had seen a ramp to get down to the lower part of the path, so that is where we started.

I tried and tried to get Gavin to throw a piece of bread to the ducks, but he just held it out to them instead. (Everyday at home, I have to tell him not to throw things.) There was a goose who had his eye on Gavin's bread, and he kept leaning closer to us, and when that goose opened up his mouth I grabbed that bread and threw it! Francis had his hand nipped by a turkey at the zoo when he was little - no need to repeat that !

While we were trying to throw the bread, three other people with strollers passed us. So I figured there was another ramp somewhere, even though I had not seen one last Friday. Well.....there wasn't. I walked and walked until our path suddenly ended, and there was a stone stairway leading up to the top path. Luckily I had enough room to turn around, and we headed back!

The neat thing about walking the length of that lower path was that we saw this interesting duck:

I had not ever seen one like this, and I did an internet search when we got home, and it is a wood duck. The website I found said they live on the east or west coasts - maybe it got lost and decided Naperville was a nice place to live!

Back up at the top, we stopped on an overlook:

Evie needed a snack:

The Carillon started playing some classical music right at 4pm, and the kids enjoyed it!

Evie has been steadily eating more and getting more active, She pulls herself up on everything now, and cruises around holding onto things. Today she initiated "peek-boo around the bookcase" with Gavin for the first time in awhile!

1 comment:

Kelly Aiglon said...

i have totally been caught in that riverwalk sidewalk snafu, too, with the boys. good to see you had fun!