Thursday, June 25, 2009

Evie's First Haircut

Today Evie had her first haircut! Grandma Cordes and I took the kids over to our hair salon this afternoon after naps and a meal. I am so proud of them, because they were both perfect angels! One of the other stylists even said, "Oh, they're so quiet! Usually kids run around and destroy this place!"

Here is Evie right after waking up from her nap. "I'm ready for this haircut, Mom."

Evie sat on my lap while our stylist, Connie, started cutting her hair. Evie wasn't quite sure what was going on, but she was very calm.

Right away, Connie cut a lock of Evie's hair for me to save. She even attached it to a special certifcate titled "My First Haircut."

I decided to go with a bob for Evie. It looks almost the same from the front, but the back and sides are much neater. Here she is, all done!

While Evie was in the chair, Gavin amused himself with the toy table. He was fascinated!

I personally cannot get over how cute she looks!

A group shot. Connie is holding Evie's certificate:

Evie was such a good little girl (and Gavin was an angel, too)! It was a perfect afternoon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute!!! Yeah, Evie!!