Friday, June 19, 2009

New Toy Cars

Yesterday Evie went to her cardiologist, and everything is the same (she is doing well and there are no plans for surgery anytime soon). She did well during the appointment, but would not walk without holding my hand. I got to put on her blood pressure cuff and her pulse-ox, and she was thrilled to have me do it instead of her nurse! Francis and I will meet with her surgeon in the next few weeks to discuss the plan for the next several months.

After naps, we went outside and played in the kids' new cars. They loved beeping the horns. Gavin loved setting off the siren in his fire truck:

"Hello, Firestation #5, this is Twin 2, and everything is under control here!"

No worries with Gavin behind the wheel!

Evie is not quite big enough for the car Gavin has, so she has this cute pink one:

Gavin loved getting in and out of the car. He doesn't quite have the hang of pushing it with his feet yet!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gavin's hair is getting so long and curly!! I'm jealous!